Thursday, November 22, 2012

5 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

This article appeared in the Nov. 21, 2012 online edition of Dental Health Magazine. It provides some solutions on how to naturally brighten one’s smile.

Everyone wants beautiful white teeth. Unfortunately, many of the modern whitening techniques used by dentists can be harsh and abrasive on your teeth; causing more harm them good in the long term.

A Tip for When You Sip
Did you know that an inexpensive plastic straw may hold the power to keeping your teeth beautiful? The first tip for preserving the natural whiteness of your teeth has nothing to do with what you put on your teeth, but rather what you don’t put on them. Using a straw when you drink creates a barrier from beverages depositing directly onto your teeth.

A straw funnels your drink directly into your mouth without letting it linger over your teeth. This cuts down on the contact your teeth have with sugary or acid drinks that cause the breakdown of your tooth’s enamel.

Refresh Your Mouth with Baking Soda
Many popular toothpaste brands boast baking soda in the list of ingredients. Using baking soda as a rinse on occasion can bring out the natural whiteness of your teeth. Since baking soda is mildly abrasive, you should avoid using it as a daily solution.

In addition, avoid rigorously brushing the baking soda directly over your teeth, as the grit can cause abrasion that wears down your enamel. A splash of all-natural baking soda will leave your mouth feeling clean and refreshing.

Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient technique that has become a hit in modern times. Using either coconut oil or sesame seed oil, simply swish the oil around in your mouth, over teeth and gums, for up to fifteen minutes. This process removes bacteria and promotes a healthy mouth free of tooth decay that causes yellowing or staining of the teeth.

Eat Your Veggies
Your mother told you vegetables were good for you, and she wasn’t lying. Turns out, veggies can also boost your smile. That’s because naturally crunchy foods such as lettuce, broccoli, and apples actually act as natural tooth cleansers.

As you bite and gnaw your way through your favorite freshly-picked snack, the crunching acts an effective method of picking away plaque and debris in between and on your teeth that cause a yellow appearance.

You already know that calcium helps build strong bones and protects you against osteoporosis. As if that wasn’t enough to make calcium intake a priority in your diet, now it turns out that consuming enough calcium can help keep your teeth white too.

That’s because just like with bones, teeth depend on calcium to maintain their structure and durability. Healthy teeth are white teeth, so the more fortified your teeth are with calcium, the more likely they are not to yellow.


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