Monday, July 30, 2012

Lined up: California Smile Design and the Invisalign tooth alignment system

People who seek to have the alignment of their teeth corrected often have to wear unsightly braces; as a result, adults tend to avoid them. Some dental practices, like California Smile Design, offer an alternative system to tooth alignment that does away with the unappealing traditional brace and replaces them with a removable and nearly invisible orthodontic device.

California Smile Design Image Credit:

Invisalign is a revolutionary new type of orthodontia that straightens teeth without using the wires and brackets of the traditional brace. The system relies on a series of clear calibrated plastic trays that are custom-made to contour with the patient’s teeth. These trays are removable and slowly adjust the alignment of the teeth, week after week, to the prescribed position over time, with the next one taking over where the previous left off.

California Smile Design Image Credit:

Practices that offer this service, such as California Smile Design, understand the benefit it gives to patients. First off, the Invisalign system is semi-transparent and, unlike regular braces, it is unobtrusive, which makes it particularly attractive to adults who have been put off by the unappealing appearance of orthodontia. Second, unlike braces, which are attached and tend to be uncomfortable when tightened, the Invisalign calibrated trays are removable and relatively comfortable.

California Smile Design Image Credit:

More information on Invisalign and other cosmetic and family dentistry services from California Smile Design can be accessed from its official website.